Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 software redefines digital imaging with a strong focus on photography; breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, and realistic painting; and a wide range of workflow and performance enhancements.
Get precise results when making complex selections, remove any image element and see the space fill in almost magically, and create stunning photo-realistic or surreal HDR images.
Select specific areas within an image in fewer clicks. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair; eliminate background color around selection edges; and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
Easily change a photograph into a painting or create unique artistic effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending, and Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes.
Save time with automatic correction of lens distortions, chromatic aberration, and vignetting. Photoshop CS5 uses an image file's EXIF data to make precise adjustments based on the type of camera and lens you used.
Explore an endless variety of black-and-white looks. Use the integrated Lab B&W Action to interactively color images, create gorgeous HDR black-and-whites with greater ease and speed, and experiment with new presets
Save time with automatic correction of lens distortions, chromatic aberration, and vignetting. Photoshop CS5 uses an image file's EXIF data to make precise adjustments based on the type of camera and lens you used.
Explore an endless variety of black-and-white looks. Use the integrated Lab B&W Action to interactively color images, create gorgeous HDR black-and-whites with greater ease and speed, and experiment with new presets
Serial Number Photoshop CS5 : Download
sip sip
BalasHapusHah.......d password, linknya banyak
BalasHapussekalinya SN Ga bisa...
"The serial number is not valid for this product"
Baca dulu petunjuk istall (trick aktivasi to full version) CS5-nya bos,
BalasHapusTQ bosssss........
BalasHapustansk bro... mga sukses slalu
BalasHapusDownload Photoshop CS5 nya dimana yah? please help
ah triknya sama persis kayak di
BalasHapusmalah gag pake muter" kbanyakan link
matur sembah nuwun, nggih bos
BalasHapuspw bwt keygen rar-nya pa?
mohon di Update link nya..
BalasHapuskarena gak bisa ke download.
sudah bos
BalasHapuspas rar nya apa yah?? tolong dong
BalasHapusga pakai pass..
BalasHapusKeygan rar Passwordnya
BalasHapusKeygennya ada pswnya, apa pswnya ?
BalasHapuspaswordnya apa bos???
BalasHapusrarnya pke pasword lho